CosmoCaixa Science Museum, Barcelona

MateMiFaSol Exhibition

CosmoCaixa Science Museum, Barcelona
Neec Iberia

The MateMiFaSol exhibition at CosmoCaixa invites visitors on a “sound journey from chaos to cosmos”, exploring the profound connections between music and mathematics. Through interactive installations, Neec Iberia integrated Akoustic Arts Speaker B1 technology to create a personalized, immersive experience, ensuring that each visitor enjoys precise, directional sound tailored to their location. This setup prevents sound overlap, allowing for focused engagement with the exhibits without external distractions.

The exhibition needed to deliver focused sound to specific areas without creating interference between different sections

Speaker B offered targeted sound delivery, eliminating overlap and providing a focused, immersive experience for each visitor.

The exhibition’s design, complemented by Akoustic Arts’ Speaker B1, ensures that visitors can explore the intricate relationship between music and mathematics without distractions. The precision of directional sound isolates the audio to each exhibit, allowing for a clear, immersive auditory journey tailored to the individual’s position, enhancing both the educational and emotional impact of the experience.

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